Who and what is TBA… The Mission
TBA is currently just myself, Nick, though I will be collaborating with others to be bring in new perspectives and areas of expertise. My current goal is simple. I deal with the science because I really enjoy it and we work together to find something that fits YOUR life. Then we both work hard and you see results that match your efforts.
Long term is to develope the systems and equipment I believe will progress great training in an ecological way. Doing this through applied science and anecdotal experience. I want my standard and the minimun stanard of training to both continue to immprove.
Fitness can be more confusing than necessary because so many people have decided fitness is an easy place to make money. It’s because they look in shape but have not done the intellectual work necessary to be an effective educator or comminicator. This creates of bunch of contrarians just trying to stand out. I personally find this frustrating. Nothing is more expensive than paying for something that provides no value more than simply placebo.