About Nick Rogers

I got certified as a personal trainer through ACE as soon as I turned 18 and have never stopped studying since. Whether it be in college classes, certifications or on my own. All in tandem with actually training people since 2017. Before all that I informally studied on my own starting at only 12 so I could get stronger for starting sports (especially hockey) as well as haphazardly trying to help my dad rehab from a work accident. I’ve always wanted to learn more and more and because of that the heart of my practice is a commitment to providing evidence-based health information and services that empower individuals to make informed decisions.

My Degree

I attended Plymouth State University, where I created my own degree. Under the guidance and regulation of the interdisciplinary studies department I designed a curriculum of Exercise Science and Sports Physiology, Business, and Law. Currently my degree title is Fitness Facility Business Management but I would like to submit a proposal to have it changed to Physiology Business Management and Legal Entrepreneurship as I believe that represents my education better. “Fiz Biz” for short. I did not receive education for facility management, so I believe the title to be misleading.

Why create my own degree?

I have aways been interested in science. Not just working out but the scientific process of systematic discovering in a format that is repeatable to ensure confidence of findings over time. I am always intrigued by why biological adaptations occur. On the other hand, business structures and laws seemed mundane and insufferable. I realized I would always want to continue to learn in the topics relevant to exercise science but I needed more structure to develop the skills necessary to run a successful business that will allow me to continue to do what I love. To run an effective business you have to eventually effectively delegate tasks. That as well as in the beginning you have to do everything. Both of these require I am knowledgeable to some capacity in every aspect of my business. When it does scale I will coordinate and delegate more effectively as I have previous knowledge as well as personal experience with what I am asking of my coworkers and employees. In the long run this will afford me more time to continue to improve on the skills I excel at and enjoy most.

The ref isn’t pointing yet but it’s a goal.

This is PSU. I took this photo!