Training differences in Women
1.Regulating training around your monthly cycle. Menstrual cycles are highly individualistic. Generally speaking the goal is to limit RPE (effort levels) during the time of the month where you are already most fatigued. However engaging in aerobics, yoga, or low impact cardio will not only alleviate menstrual cramps, but produce endorphins that’ll make you feel good! On the other hand If you subjectively can handle your typical training even on your tired weeks then evidence suggest you would benefit from doing so.
2.Another important concept that comes into play is body fat percentage. In order to maintain healthy hormone levels women should generally have a higher % than men. When there is a chronic lack of availability of energy (fat stores/ food intake) it can affect the female athlete triad which is the interaction between a women’s bone density, energy balance, and menstrual cycle. Low energy means low bone density as well as functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (problems with cycle and hormones) if this occurs talk to your doctor.
3. It is important to remember that most of the differences that occur in training are roles set by cultures like women should “tone” and not lift heavy and that almost all of an individual’s training should be based on their specific goals and not their gender!